Kydon Segal Lawyers

We’ll take you under our wing while you appoint your right hand

Come to the experts for your ultimate outsource.

Power of Attorney

A Power of Attorney is an important and powerful tool for planning your future.

We have the skills and expertise to craft this vital document with you to ensure that your money, property, assets and well being will be taken care of if you are unable to manage them yourself for any period of time.

By appointing general or enduring Power of Attorney, you can be certain that someone you trust is legally authorised to take care of business for you, should the need arise. A General Power of Attorney makes sure your appointed person has the authority to operate bank accounts, deal with properties claims, and pay bills. Enduring Power of Attorney simply means that the power continues after the fact. Whether you are incapacitated by physical or mental ailments, an attorney will act in your best interests.

Should you wish to assign enduring guardianship or advance directives, so that a trusted person can act on your behalf regarding health and lifestyle decisions, we can also assist and oversee these documents.

Secure your future with us. We can guide you as you take steps that will lessen the financial and emotional pressure on yourself and your loved ones.